I was driving a new Canadian customer coming to Siesta Key from the Ft Meyer Airport yesterday and the discussion turned to the many great events we have here in Paradise.
They were very disappointed to here they had JUST MISSED the International Sand and Sculpting Festival held every Year in November on Siesta Public Beach. Then when I sent them to the website:
And they saw these photos….Well needless to say next year they are coming earlier to Siesta Beach before the NOVEMBER 10th 2017 event.
In only 24 sculpting hours, (spanning the five day event), the master sculptors will create sand masterpieces, some over ten feet tall, and transform the always beautiful Siesta Beach into an outdoor art gallery. These renowned artists will produce spectacular, ephemeral works of art from just sand and water.
The festival also features live music all weekend, a large shopping village and a variety of food and drink vendors. Other activities include the popular three day “Quick Sand” speed sculpting competition, sand sculpting lessons, an amateur competition and new this year is The Learning Curve – an educational and fun activity area for kids.
It is amazing to watch how these talented Artist from around the world can turn our beautiful Beach Sand into….JUST LOOK!
2015 First Place
2014 First Place