DISCOVER.. Hidden River Trail LWR





Hidden River Trail – Lakewood Ranch residence check out this two mile road full of sweeping curves and scenery. Performing my duties at Vintage Taxi & Tours I find I’m using this uncongested short cut more and more.


This road is built for the bicyclist . It connects Lorraine Rd to Lakewood Ranch Blvd. Its only 2 miles long, but is a essential east/west roadway for a safe  bicycle  trail.  Checking out Hidden River. Just south of SR-70.


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Image result for pictures of Hidden River Trail Lakewood Ranch



Recently Removed…

“Bicycles Prohibited” Signs from Hidden River Trail

Village Idiots Cycling Club Sarasota, Florida
Recently a sign were removed on Hidden River Trail in Lakewood Ranch located in Manatee County, FL that indicated that this road is off limits to bicycle traffic. This road is a major part of the cycling network Lakewood Ranch and we feel that the signage is not only detrimental to the cycling community but also potentially illegal.FS316.2065 – “Bicycle regulations”states:(1) Every person propelling a vehicle by human power has all of the rights and all of the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under this chapter, except as to special regulations in this chapter, and except as to provisions of this chapter which by their nature can have no application.Furthermore FS316.02 states “…This section shall be supplemental to the other laws or ordinances of this chapter and not in conflict therewith. It is unlawful for any local authority to pass or to attempt to enforce any ordinance in conflict with the provisions of this chapter.”

There are 4 east-west connectors in Lakewood Ranch

1. University Avenue: 45mph speed limit, no bike lane, the road converges from 3 lanes to 2 lanes, and there is considerable truck and construction traffic.

2. SR 70: no bike lane (only a shoulder often filled with road debris) 55mph speed limit.

4. Sidewalk on hidden river trail: Rough and uneven, not suitable for bicycles other than cruiser bikes, lots of walkers, joggers, dogs creating obstructions and potential collisions.

4. Hidden River Trail: 25mph speed limit, no bike lane but very little traffic. It is however a sub-standard width road.

Of these 4 options Hidden River Tail is the safest choice.

“Safety First ……On Time Affordable Service”