Hidden River Trail – Lakewood Ranch residence check out this two mile road full of sweeping curves and scenery. Performing my duties at Vintage Taxi & Tours I find I’m using this uncongested short cut more and more.
This road is built for the bicyclist . It connects Lorraine Rd to Lakewood Ranch Blvd. Its only 2 miles long, but is a essential east/west roadway for a safe bicycle trail. Checking out Hidden River. Just south of SR-70.
Recently Removed…
“Bicycles Prohibited” Signs from Hidden River Trail

There are 4 east-west connectors in Lakewood Ranch
1. University Avenue: 45mph speed limit, no bike lane, the road converges from 3 lanes to 2 lanes, and there is considerable truck and construction traffic.
2. SR 70: no bike lane (only a shoulder often filled with road debris) 55mph speed limit.
4. Sidewalk on hidden river trail: Rough and uneven, not suitable for bicycles other than cruiser bikes, lots of walkers, joggers, dogs creating obstructions and potential collisions.
4. Hidden River Trail: 25mph speed limit, no bike lane but very little traffic. It is however a sub-standard width road.
Of these 4 options Hidden River Tail is the safest choice.