I was driving a couple from The Country Club in Lakewood Ranch to the Tampa airport last week and had a extremely enjoyable trip. They are a very interesting, lovely, retired, Indian couple that are very active in our community. He conducts a LWR writers club and on Fridays she teaches free yoga classes at the LWR Town Hall.
Now the wife and I love Indian cuisine. We often eat the lunch buffet at Tandoor Fine Indian Cuisine, 8453 Cooper Creek Blvd, and have been very satisfied with their spread.
However, I just had to ask the question of my guests “Where is the best Indian food in the Sarasota/Bradenton area?” His reply was my wife’s cooking! In fact he is trying to get her to write a Indian recipes cook book. They did however both agree that the: Flavors of India and the Curry Station are probably the top two in town.
Carol and I are going to take their advice, why don’t you give it a go as well. Let us know what you think on Next Door OR infovintagetaxi@gmail.com. By the way, they suggest the noon buffet for a variety of dishes just to make sure you don’t get a whole meal that would be to spicy hot for your liking.